The Rich Dishwasher

If a Once Poor, Immigrant
Mexican Dishwasher
Can Make Over $75,000 in the Last 12 Months, How Much Can You Make Using the
Exact Same System?

(The Answer? Probably Much More...
... Read more to find out...)

ignacio Hola Friend,

My English is not so good... but I make good money on the Internet.

I will show you how. I promise.

But first...

I want to tell you something muy importante:

Five months ago, I escaped my dishwasher job. And I want to show you how you can escape your job too. No matter what it is. No matter who you work for.

Let me show you how. It's easy to make a lot of money on the Internet when you know, I promise you.

If me, a poor person from Mexico coming to America can do it, you can too. With my advice and experience, you can make a lot of money, just like me.

Here is my story... and my success


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My name is Ignacio Delgado, and I was born near Tijuana, Mexico. In a small village called Libertad. I came to the US in 2006 and got a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant in Santa Ana, California.

Coming to America, I have big dreams. Perhaps you have big dreams too.


My first job in America

But making money as a dishwasher in America is not so good. Still, I send money back to help mi Madre when I can. Mi Madre, she is very sick.

I work hard. I work a long time every day. But still it is not enough.

At the restaurant where I worked, I used to take the plates off the tables. Then I wash them. I see a man come for lunch almost every day, and he was nice to me every time.

One day, he asked me my name.

He say "Ignacio, I see you work very hard. You are a good man. I see you are a hard worker and you always smile."

"Do you need to make more money?"

I say "Si, Senor. Mi Madre, she is sick in Mexico."

He say "I will help you, if you help me. I need someone who will work hard even though the job is easy."
I say "How much it pay?" And he said "it doesn't pay anything. But with what you will learn, you'll be able to make money for yourself and your familia."

Because he was kind to me and I trust him, I say yes. It was an opportunity I could not pass.

Still, I keep my dishwasher job.

But during mornings and late at night, I help him with his Internet business. He taught me. He gave me my first computer. It was a "hand me down," but it worked. And he showed me everything I needed to know.


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And what I discover? Ay Carumba!

He showed me how to make so much money on the Internet. Of course, I hear stories of such success. But my friend, mi amigo, he showed me how.

I was so excited. I could not sleep every night.

He was showing me and saying I could do this for myself and he made it so I could too.

So I work hard for him and I learn many things. I helped him make money. And then he helped me make money for myself.

I was so excited when I make my first $50. It only took a couple of days.

$50 is what I make in a day as a dishwasher. I work 12 hour shift. And with what my friend showed me, it only took a few hours. Soon, I leave my dishwasher job.

How much money I make?

My friend, he say I need to tell you how much money I make. Because you want to see the truth. I am a little bit embarrassed. In Mexico, it is very boastful to show how much you make.

But I will do it if it means you will have confidence in me and what I say. Here is what I use to make when I started...


My first two weeks working online. I was so excited!
(your results may be better or worse, I don't know)

And here is what I make now, one year later (this was a good two weeks)...


Now my worst days are still good!
(your results may be different)

Of course, others on the Internet will probably tell you they make much more money. I do not know if they are telling the truth or not.

I am.

For me, being very poor and just coming to this country, I feel very successful. Mi Madre, she is very proud of her son.

I saw how I could make mucho dinero doing what my friend taught me. The restaurant owner was very sad because he said I was his best dishwasher ever.

Then, I started working with my friend every day and making money for myself.

More money than I believed...

To tell you the truth, I do not have a big house. My car is nice but it is not expensive. Today, I have a wife I can buy things for and take her to nice places. I take her to Las Vegas one time and she was very happy.

I do not rent an apartment anymore. No more roommates. I have my own small condo. I could own a house, but I don't want to.

I will tell you why.

Here is my dream. What is yours?

I want to open my own restaurant. I am saving up. Mi Madre, she has recipes from her Madre. They are so good.

I miss her cooking. I miss her.

Yes, everybody wants to make money. You probably do too. But I believe you also have a dream. My dream is to open my restaurant. I think I am going to call it "Mi Madre's."

You may have a dream to own your home...

Or pay all the people you owe money to...

Or be your own boss...

Or retire with no worries...

Or buy your wife nice things she wants.

Or make it so your wife doesn't have to work and can stay home with the children.

Or send your children to good schools.

When I save enough money, I will go back to the owner of the restaurant who gave me my first job and I will ask him to help me open my restaurant.

What is your dream, mi amigo? Let me help you achieve it. If I can do it, you can do it too.

Today I want you to have the same
opportunity my friend gave me.

But you do not have to work for nothing like I did.

My friend told me because I work so hard for him, he gave me blessings and let me share this system with you.You only need to learn and work at it a few hours a day and you will make money.

What's great is when you are done working each day, it still works for you. My friend, he says it is "auto-pilot." So you can do other things you want at the same time you are making money.

"Auto-pilot" I am learning is a very good thing. If I can do it, believe me, you can too.

Now you want to know about this system. You can watch this video and you will see how I make money. I will show you how it works. Just click the "play" button.

Watch This Video and See How Easy It Is to Make Money! Click the Play Button Now!

It's simple, yes? You do not need a website, a product or anything else hard.

It's easy. If it's easy for me, it's easy for you.

You don't need to know very much. I didn't know nothing. But it requires a little bit of time.

For me, being very poor and just coming to this country, I feel very successful. Mi Madre, she is very proud of her son.

When you start using this system, you will automatically start making money. At first, it may be small, only $10 or $15 a day... then, after 7 to 10 days it will start to grow to $15 or $20 a day... and then... after a few short months you'll be making more money on autopilot than you make at your current job.

That's what happened to me.

As you will see, it will start creating cash for you and will continue to run on autopilot for years to come--the money will keep coming in, day after day... week after week... month after month.

Are you like me? Are you like bull?

Now here's the thing: I can not promise how much money you will make. I do not know you or how much you want to learn or how much time you have or how hard you will work.

Me? I am like bull. If you are like me, you will succeed and make money like me.

And if you want a system that works, this system will work for you. Like it works for me every day.

" I'm so happy that I found your system; it's really helped me to understand how this process works."

Hi Ignacio,
I just recently bought your program and it's really shown me a lot of different ways to make money online.  I had spent thousands of dollars in the past on every program that I ran across, with no luck of making any money online. I'm so happy that I found your system; it's really helped me to understand how this process works. I'm finally on the track to success.

Thanks for your help,

- Jamie .W  of  Lexington, Ky

I promise, I will do my best to help you.

What do other people have to say?

It's one thing for me to tell you about my experience with mi amigo. But let me share with you many things other people say about me and the system.

I am very happy about this:

"Lots of Folks Could Use This System Right Now..."


I came across The Rich Dishwasher this morning and wanted to thank you. I know lots of folks that could use this system right now.

What really impressed me was that you had everything down to a complete science, easy to repeat over and over. Fantastic job!"

-Ken Coleman, Charleston, SC

"One of the Most Simple, Unique and High Quality Systems I've Ever Seen"


I'm the first to admit I didn't expect to learn a lot from The Rich Dishwasher having been an experienced online businessman... however, your system really over delivered!

It's without a doubt one of the most simple, unique and high quality systems for working from home I've ever seen... you really get to the heart of the matter without adding any filler... it's truly needed for success."

-Stan Mayfield, Richmond, VA

"Works Like A Charm..."


Just wanted to drop a line... It's been two weeks since I purchased The Rich Dishwasher, and boy am I glad I did! The system works like a charm, and will help pay off my debts and eventually quit my JOB.

I love the fact that you show what markets work, down to the keywords and content creation. Every morning I wake up excited to build my business... Thanks so much!"

- Hung Nguyen, Cupertino, CA

"I'd Recommend This To Anyone..."


"Honestly, The Rich Dishwasher is the best. It's unlike anything I've ever seen and contains the nuts and bolts to building a business I've always looked for, but never received.

I have purchased many so-called money making systems several years ago - one even cost me fifteen hundred bucks- and none of them gave me the return that yours did. I'd recommend this to anyone."

- Sunil Chandrashekhar, Albany, NY

Even if you just make only $1000 a month over the next few months, it is a start. It will grow. That's how I started. I can promise, if you work at it a little every day.

How much it cost, you ask?

This system, it costs only $77. No more.


This price is because you can make thousands of American dollars. It works. It's simple. It's easy to use. If I can do it, you can do it too.

I know $77 may be a lot of money. It is a very bad time in America right now. For me, when I was a dishwasher, $77 is a day and a half pay, because I work 12 hour shift.

But the system and the training is worth much more. I showed you what I make. It's true and if you are like me, you can do it too.

This low price is because I told mi amigo many people need help today.

You too can make thousands of American dollars. It works. It's simple. It's easy to use. It works muy rapido. If I can do it, you can do it too.

But the system and the training is worth much more. I showed you what I make. It's true and if you are like me, you can do it too.

What is muy bueno about this system is you get many different things:

1. First you get the system I use to make make money online the easy way. Forever. There is no more cost. You just spend time a little each day and money comes in. More money than you can earn at a dish washer job like I had.

2. You get trained in how to use the system. We have mucho training on various things but most people don't need it because it is so easy to use.

But if you are new to making money online, it is perfecto. Because it is so simple. Never has been a system as simple as this. Yes, it takes some time, but not a lot.

3. Plus you can contact me or one of my friends I have showed how to use the system. We have a membership program, where you can get all your questions answered. It's free.

We want you to make money. That's our goal. You probably won't make a million dollars, but it's easy to make $1000 to $2000 a month very quickly. And that will grow over time.

Here is my promise, my guarantee...

I promise if you don't making mucho dinero in 60 days, at least $2000 dollars, on mi Madre's honor, you can have your money back. Just tell me and it is done. I take care of it, pronto. No problemo.

But I think if you are serious like me and you have dreams like me, you will soon make much more than that.

If I can do it, you can do it too.

And I think you will do better than me because I think I am probably not as smart as you.

Still I am a hard worker and this is what I accomplish. I think you will do the same and I want to help you.

So if you are looking for something you can do to make more money... if you want the things in life other people have... like nice clothes and cars and vacations... and you don't want to be a dishwasher like me, or a waiter or a check-out person, or some other person who works very hard for very little money... here is your chance to become rich.

No matter what your job.

I want to help you. Like my friend, mi amigo, helped me, I want to help you. You'll be able to learn my mistakes I made when I started.

What I learned is there is no need to have have money worries. You will finally have peace of mind like me.

You can do it! Go ahead and sign up now!

Ignacio Delgado

The Rich Dishwasher

PS: What's great about this system is that it is easy to keep your full time job, and still have time to make money after you get home from work. Plus you can work at home while you watch TV or take care of your children. And remember, if you do not like this powerful system for any reason, I promise to immediately refund your money.

Here is one of my favorite letters I receive:

"You Seem Honest, Ethical, And A Complete Straight Shooter -- All Results, No BS."


After speaking with you on the phone, and exchanging emails with you, I wanted to tell you how impressed I am with you. I can tell you really care about your customers. You seem honest, trustworthy, and are a complete straight shooter - no BS. At first, I was nervous about signing up for your course.

But I'm glad I did, because your course is very VERY good.

This process is quite simply the fastest, most direct path to wealth - REAL wealth - that I've ever tried. Rather than wasting days reading a 400 page "manual" on how to make money... you put all the money making steps together without the fluff. I've already started to make a nice side income with this system, and am planning on quitting my job in person (don't show this to my boss!) in four months time. Thanks so much for your help... Great job!

Ted Dougherty
Santa Clara, California
