Forex Tripler

EXPOSED: Elite Hedge Fund Leaks Forex Bot That Can Create Trades For You Automatically
... this recession-proof, automated software is not illegal AND was almost banned to avoid anyone else capturing its ability to create wealth - live trading proof caught on video.
Must-read controversial article by: Joe Patten, former school teacher
April 24, 2011 6:45 AM, San Francisco USA
Dear Friend,
Here's the exposed true story that was almost banned by a very wealthy mastermind of currency investors.
They don't want this out because it reveals the only Forex automated trading software that can triple your account approximately each month.
They know people could easily copy and DUPLICATE their success with this tool. We caught them on recorded telephone stating they don't want this out ...
Live proof demonstrated for actual users of this software.... (no one else gives you the proof of live currently-updating trades of this caliber)
I guarantee you have seen nothing as fail-proof as the following..... witness this video right here of how a secret trading style called "30-day tripling" was automated by this software...

Even other successful currency investors were completely SHOCKED at how this hedge fund was running so well before ... and the secret is now EXPOSED.
 See this testimonial below by a guy who had previously lost over half of his investments... and is now on the rise with the Forex Tripler!


"You see, since the bust of the mortgage industry and the whole bailout fiasco, I've literally watched 4 of my brokerage accounts dwindle by over 50% of its value.

What we can do is point that MAJOR pain point right in the front, as it impacts people who have 401k's, IRA's, stock accounts, etc.

Then you can show one of my statements that tells you the value at the beginning of the year and what it is currently (< 50% of its value). That will be shocking proof that by letting "professional investors" manage my money, that they were really good at losing it.

I just wished I would have just TRADED my own money instead of letting it slip in the hands of commercial investors who only know me as an account number, and not as someone who desperately needed that money for retirement.  And now it's gone.  But thank goodness I found your ForexTripler software, because they will more than make up for my losses this coming year."

- Steve R., London UK

Now you see...  why some greedy, monopolizing hedge funds want it banned right?!
Did you see the $37,950 in pure ROI that was made from one month... just over 341% growth of the account.
How about seeing undeniable PROOF of the current results happening in real-time?
Yes - this updates for you in real time straight from the market feed!

WARNING - FREE VIDEO: If you haven't gotten this FREE video and report worth $147 in annual value ... grab it right now.- exclusively sent to your email. One super-profitable hedge fund does not want you to get a hold of this below ... (check the secret blueprint out) BONUS: You’ll also be signed up for our “top-secret” day trading picks letter .... that's been earning some subscribers over $109,000 a month with a 117.82% returns!

Your Name:
Your Email:

Our privacy policy is strict and we never share your confidential information.
  Ok, so you're probably wondering ... Who exactly am I and why am I writing to you?
Well, my name is Joe Patten. I'm a former elementary school teacher and recently started forex investing. I have a very good friend named Rachel Z.
... It's critical that I do not reveal her full name for privacy purposes and I'll explain why very soon ....
You see. Rachel is a MIT-educated PhD mathematician and computer scientist who previously worked for one of the highest-returning hedge funds. (a hedge fund is a group of traders who grow their investors' wealth basically). This fund was performing red-hot for over 6 incredible years.... heck, even into the current economic situation, I believe they are still doing well. Their shorting strategies are unbelievably accurate in the equities market, they understand commodities beyond most, but here is their real killer weapon..... they had a special blueprint that trades currencies hyper-accurately... and this thing automatically triples your investment in less than 30 days normally!
How do I know this if I wasn't part of this private fund? (heck, I was horrible with investments prior)
Well, Rachel is the woman who had lead development of this forex-trading blueprint. A powerful one that does not rely on usual patterns of trend trading or swing trading ... it was virtually impervious to market conditions because it combined fundamental analysis AND automates technical analysis.
Here was the bad news. For her, everything came to a standstill about a few months ago....
Rachel was suddenly laid off from this hedge fund. The firm gave the excuse of "down-sizing due to the economy" to her. Normal right? Absolutely Not!
Now unsurprisingly... her own forex account was tripling and even occasionally quadrupling during this time using the exact same blueprint. Rachel pondered on why exactly they let her go. Weeks later, she discovered from a non-discrete co-worker that she was laid off because the hedge fund did not want her monopolizing the development of this blueprint. Selfishly, they had cut her out of the loop.
Little did they know that Rachel was using the blueprint herself. Rachel ran with it....
She knew her system well enough and now without the help of the hedge fund's capital, she suddenly saw the disadvantage she was in. Rachel asked me to join her and help create a small, exclusive community of users for this blueprint developed for that same 'elite' hedge fund.
She code-named this the Forex Tripler robot and was ready to do something they would NEVER expect from her....
Her goal was two-fold ... to prove that the same blueprint will easily work for traders regardless of their account size or lack of trading experience AND to get even with the hedge fund that cut her off the development of her creation. Rachel took about 2 months of her unemployed time to develop the blueprint into a fully automated software. With very little capitalization, she surprised herself even...
Since she allowed me to use her system as a beta tester... I took my first stab at forex investing  I was really scared it wouldn't work since I've previously lost money day trading stocks. Nevertheless, I took a dive, spent my entire recent paycheck because I believed in her.
Boy, are smart risks guided by smart people WORTH taking!

Video Testimonial: See what this "stay-at-home" mother of 2 from South Carolina had to say after using this automatic forex software. They caught her on video and wanted to showcase this secret site:
( Turn up your speakers and press the play arrow. )

Anyways. I'll never forget what my father used to tell me when I was very young ... "son, never look back and say 'I was I had', always look back and say 'I'm glad I did'" ... this rule goes for any risk you wish you had taken in the past. It gave me the immediate courage to trust my GUT feeling because I really wanted to get out of my 9-to-5. This was during the start of the falling economy and I knew they were cutting budgets. I wasn't sure my income was very secure.
I looked back and also realized all my childhood dreams of achievement never really materialized. I tried day trading in stocks before and never got wealthy at all. I tried 3 multi-level marketing businesses for 4 years and nothing came out of. Yes, that's 4 years of my life for a shot at success.... GONE.
Everyone else around me wasn't really going anywhere and only complained about the economy. They didn't TAKE RESPONSIBILITY to try and achieve financial freedom, even in tough times. I saw most of them had lost their "fire". Not me and I know you haven't either.
Here's a little secret you gotta know. I've noticed this over time.... one of the key traits in financially successful people is that they understand how to take "unfair advantages" without sweating like everyone else.
An unfair advantage is not something morally unethical, illegal, or bad at all. It's just what you know already that others don't see. It's kind of like this... imagine yourself back in school. The kid who always sits in front of the class and pays attention to the teacher will become the "teacher's pet". Now, when that student commits a wrongdoing, that student will receive more lenient punishment than a student who normally sleeps in class. That teacher's pet had an unfair advantage and there is nothing wrong with it.
Bill Gates, one of the richest men on earth, even stated himself ... "Life is not fair".
... and this is great news for you and I because we have development a killer UNFAIRLY powerful tool that profits 100% legally and continuously.
It's the same thing in Forex trading... use tools that build your wealth automatically while the other traders sweat away seeking profits that aren't even guaranteed!
These were the thoughts in my mind before I went ahead...
This was it. One final good shot I was on a prayer.... and I took a leap of faith with Rachel's guidance and tool.
Here's that same software made in massive action for my live forex account::

It made my dream come true as well. I get to sleep, eat, play, and go on luxury vacations (just back from Bueno Aires!) whenever I desire. Nothing is dictated by a job at all - it's freedom at last.
Look at what it has done for the small amount of money I invest! I am NOT good with computers at all and it did it automatically for me. As a matter of fact, I recently left my job as a former elementary school teacher. I loved the kids but did not like the environment - now I set my own hours and create wealth for myself and family whenever I desire!
Video testimonial: 24-year old "kid" embarrassingly admits that he still doesn't really understand currency trading but has already quit his day job!
( Turn up your speakers and press the play arrow. )
Luckily, Rachel had used their software to do some of her own trading since she gathers the live data sources for them.
In return, she also asked me to give the opportunity to others (only a small exclusive community) to try this before it leaks out any further. That's why I'm writing you.
Due to upkeep of data-feeds, the software production does come at a cost since we have to pay to facilitate the most current data sources. There is a small cost involved in maintaining the algorithms integrity on a continued basis. We wanted to bring you (our exclusive group) the most incredible software for Forex trading. This gets as close as possible to "guaranteed profits on a continual basis".
This is still in private mode for the public. Private mode meaning we are seeing how many people can truly benefit from this in their forex accounts before we close this small community forever.
Note that trading forex has several distinct advantages for GROWING wealth massively over any other investment method in existence! Here they are:

Hyper rise in profits  – Trading currencies allows a 1:100 leverage so if you are investing $1000, you are actually investing $100,000 ... and with a good robot, your profits magnify FAST.
Very low startup costs – $50 to open an account and there's even $1 mini-accounts you can get! Watch the potential and you'll see this is insanely cheap compared to profits....
Massive potential - Over $3.1 TRILLION worth of currency is traded globally every 24 hours .... did you know that this market is bigger than ALL the world stock, bonds, commodities, and futures markets combined? It's true.
24/5 profits – The potential to make bank killings does not stop any day and night from Monday until Friday ... take advantage of this.
Low cost to trade – The disadvantage of stocks, futures and options is that you pay spread plus commission. For each trade in Forex, you only pay spread ... and this is a huge cost-advantage over time!
No saturation or cornering – This is a massive market with trillions being played daily... it's IMPOSSIBLE to corner the Forex market. This means no matter how many use the same robot, it's profitability and efficiency will never diminish.
Easy cash via time zones - There are guys I know who rely just on this technique to make a ton of money. After they profit from one currency, they do it again a few time zones later since the news hasn't hit a later time zone yet!
Profit up or down – Regardless of rising or falling, you can still make easy, easy profits. Unlike the US stock market, you don't have to wait for an up-tick for shorting!
No size restriction – You can make bank killings in currencies regardless of how big or small your account is. This is a huge advantage over other investments like real estate or stocks.
Virgin territory - don't procrastinate on a good opportunity... this is a powerful vehicle that's still the wild-wild-west and you WILL make a killing given this tool.
No one can deny how powerful this market is and how fast you can profit from this. With the Forex Tripler, you WILL ....
You know.. I asked Rachel and other currency experts about their thoughts on other Forextrading robots out there... and here's the RAW truth:
98.5% of them only rely on backtests which mean nothing for you. The good 1.5% of them that actually run well on live trades did not perform at the rate of growth which is done via Rachel's blueprint.
From this, I was shocked at how these "forex gurus" can claim such success when most of them have never doubled an account, let along TRIPLE like we do with real, live money....
Video testimonial: One experienced currency trader speaks about how this even benefits the advanced guys....
 ( Turn up your speakers and press the play arrow. )
Notice how he even claims that this works 100% powerfully and pulls great profits EVEN in a down-economy! Yes, I personally did not care how bad the economy is... my profits are growing like rabbits within the currency markets. This is proven by dozens of others... and that's not even mentioning those who never tell us because they are so secretly ecstatic of the results!
Notice how this powerful vehicle performed in the month of November 2008, one of the worst in the Wall Street financial crisis:
If you can find a better investment vehicle that grows FASTER and more SAFELY, then let me know and I'll pay you for being wrong fair?
So I did 5 more live trades to demonstrate and the results came in...
$530 growing to $1,100 within 13 days.
$1,900 growing to $7,500 within 2 months
$20,400 growing to $161,700 within 92 days
$6,800 growing to $10,900 within 12 days!
$12,300 growing to $36,900 within 32 days!
Originally I had thought there would be a long, long learning curve for this robot to work. However, that is not the case at all. Rachel's blueprint was the result of almost 1.2 years in the making prior and had done all the hard work already. I can't thank her work enough honestly.
Here's all I really needed to do to get this up:
Normal people had a lot to say about this robot ... and we are trying to contain the craze a bit here:
Note that this will work 100% guaranteed even if:
... in debt? Even lots of it?
... without money to start? No problem since this is risk-free!
... retired or disabled? You trade from the ease-of-your-home.

“This is a virtually bullet-proof way to being forever debt-free...and gaining a luxury retirement if you want, like many others!”

As you can see the reason Forex Tripler has produced INSANE underground results is because it works not only for people who barely even understand computers, but also for advanced Forex players who want to automate their trading and magnify the passive results of live profit.
You're probably asking me "Well, this is just too good to be true right? What about in economic downturns???!"
Well, there's another dirty little secret that the wealth investors out there don't like people knowing.
People at the top don't obey the rules of normal economics. They know what special vehicles to invest their money in and grow while others are suffering ... for example in a down economy. As a matter of fact, the more down the economy is for most people, the MORE they are actuyally profiting. They just don't tell you!
Check out how the Forex Tripler bot performed at the peak of catastrophe in the financial sector:
Now, I want you to be aware that Forex Tripler IS NOT for everyone and I'm writing to notify that it's for you only if:
... if you're ready to triple your account in as little as 27 days, which beats even some of the top forex traders out there...
... if you're looking for immediate results that come in a matter of mnutes (proof) instead of waiting for months for results.
... if you want a powerfully growing and extremely consistent source of income. This can supplement your current income or investments even ... and do more potentially!
... if you are only interested in using the most-internally-advanced, yet easy-to-use robot for trading 96% winnings on a daily basis ...
... if you can't monitor trading software much at all and would it run auto-pilot for you (and ForexTripler does luckily!)
... if you can't understand the fact that this is no-risk because you can work as long as you want in a full DEMO account!
Now, remember that with Forex Tripler, you will be growing your wealth on steroids at a rate approximately three times faster than most successful traders ... this is using the same blueprint that Rachel Z. originally formulated.
Hundreds of people have publicly told us that we should be charging at least $1,000 a month for people who want to use this propreitary robot. Heck, look at some brokerage firms that charge an arm and a leg per transaction.... and you'll see that Forex Tripler is a STEAL practically.
Luckily for all of us (including myself!), Rachel has a very specific goal in mind for getting this software bot out to a select group of individuals to profit from this blueprint and show the elite hedge fund a full act of defiance.
We have decided on a very nominal price to merely cover the data feed requirements for this bot and that is $497 per license.

100% Satisfaction 60-Day Iron-Clad Guarantee
Give yourself a full 60 days to test-drive this Forex Bot. If you don't like it, then simply let me know and I'll refund you right away, fair enough?


It's 100% inside the software for you to just click and use. You can contact us and our ready-staff for full support anytime. I doubt you'll need it since this is cake!
We have decided to offer the full premium license of this powerful software for a $497 piece. People are telling us that we can easily be charging $5,000 or even $10,000 for this. People can make this investment back anyways and MORE! I personally asked Rachel's team to make it affordable for a select community though.
I urge you to try this immediately. Just set it up and let it run for the most part. We may be forced literally to take it off any moment.
$497 Full License
Time Sensitive Super Discount:
ONLY $167
( Extremely Limited Quantities )

I'll tell you even my most conservative friends (I did invite a select few close ones) are trying it because it's practically risk-less.
Grab it now and triple your account virtually without fail. I'll never forget these words ... "smart risks guided by smart systems are always worth taking."
To your trading success,

Joe Patten, recently-independent currency trader

P.S. Grab the Forex Tripler today and also receive $539.85 worth of bonuses FREE (limited quantities). The other day ... I had another person claim people would regret not getting the highly-secretive Forex Millionaire report. This is too incredible to pass up.
P.P.S. I may have to shut this webpage down very soon. Any day now, a well-funded organization or hedge fund may press action to stop us from releasing this software. This is very serious and I know that not everyone will get a chance to see this in time unfortunately. Don't be one of those left out.
P.P.P.S. You don't have to be good with Forex at all, you just have to get started on this software. No thinking required. Invest wisely right now in Forex Tripler and start to triple your return-on-investment within minutes ... or see our free sample video first.

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